
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Cognitive and Emotional Well-Being of Preschool Children Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Katherine E Finegold, Julia A Knight, Rayjean J Hung, and 8 more authors
    JAMA Network Open, 2023


  1. The Consequences of Structural Racism on Gray and White Matter in Threat-Relevant Brain Regions
    Nathaniel Harnett, Katherine E Finegold, Nathalie M Dumornay, and 3 more authors
    Biological Psychiatry, 2022
  2. The effects of early life adversity on children’s mental health and cognitive functioning
    Mark Wade, Liam Wright, and Katherine E Finegold
    Translational Psychiatry, 2022
  3. Persistent dissociation and its neural correlates in predicting outcomes after trauma exposure
    Lauren AM Lebois, Nathaniel G Harnett, Sanne JH Rooij, and 8 more authors
    American journal of psychiatry, 2022
  4. Structural covariance of the ventral visual stream predicts posttraumatic intrusion and nightmare symptoms: a multivariate data fusion analysis
    Nathaniel G Harnett, Katherine E Finegold, Lauren AM Lebois, and 8 more authors
    Translational psychiatry, 2022
  5. Improved emotion regulation following a trauma-informed CBT-based intervention associates with reduced risk for recidivism in justice-involved emerging adults
    Nathalie M Dumornay, Katherine E Finegold, Anisha Chablani, and 7 more authors
    Frontiers in psychiatry, 2022